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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Webclippings - Saturday Morning

Below is a link to an article I thought was positive, hopeful and informative this morning. It started me thinking good-think.

I'm taking it easy on the ankle this weekend and doing some cyber-catching up.

I've got to say, as much as it sucks to have really twisted my ankle, it's given me some new insights as well as slowed me down enough to think about life and friends. God didn't sprain my ankle; God just gave me the brains to see what profits I can make on lemonade (if you get my drift).

It would be cool if you were viewing this on Firefox, Navigator, Opera or any other browser because you could open these link via tabbed browsing. That way, you wouldn't leave me [cry for help]. Anyway, here's the link:

- from the, Raymond J. Leary writes about Japan's Gutsy Response to Iran's Oil Threats

I'm also listening to Whole Wheat Radio. I hear a lot of the indie music artists that are on MySpace there. And you can download podcasts as well. It's more folk than headbanger.

Take care,


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