Custom T-Shirts

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I Love You Dad Notebook by Emazevedo

I Love You Dad Notebook by Emazevedo on!

Father's Day is coming up!
Nice gift notebook by Emazevedo! This is what she says about it:

"A lovely notebook for a little gift to your Dad. He will love and cherish it. Customize it and give it to a granddad too."

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

La Boca iPhone 4 Hard Case by G. L. Nance

La Boca iPhone 4 Hard Case by Gregory L. Nance Photography and Design on!

Come in!

Gregory's Zazzle shop is fantastic! I like his designs; they are interesting and awesome. This case design is just an example. this is what Gregory says about it:

"This beautiful and colorful scene from the La Boca area in Argentina makes a bold statement on your iphone."

Bold indeed!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Men's Short Sleeve Tees at Doug E. Shirts on

Men's Short Sleeve Tees at Doug E. Shirts on!

When I started Doug E. Shirts, I designed mostly for t-shirts and then applied those designs to the other Zazzle products. I happened to go to Old Navy today and they were having a sale on screen printed shirts at $10 a shirt. I think I've come to a point where I feel good about my designs but realize that people may not want to pay $18 or more for a customizable shirt that doesn't reflect a current youth trend. I also don't have the entirety of the shirt to work with like other Zazzle artists seem to have. I'm not discouraged. But I know that I will have to advertise more and directly to those groups I think will benefit most from my designs. It took some time and surrender, but I think I finally started to hear Chris and Seth. Watch for some new designs and the retirement of other designs. And I will be following through on redesigning my page based on a TED video I recently saw.

In the meantime, please take a look at the shirts that I have on the site now. Those designs are also on other fine Zazzle products. I always appreciate constructive criticism. Thanks in advance!

Here's four designs out of many: